
Skyrim Wallpapers

I created a new Squidoo lens with some really cool and free Skyrim wallpapers and graphics for fans of Elder Scrolls video games. The lens has been published just three days ago and it's already ranked 4.200! Why? Because of the traffic, SEO and clickouts! And I say again, clickouts are one of the most important elements for high ranking on Squidoo and this leads to bigger earnings.

So how do I get so much clickouts on this brand new lens? It's quite simple. I researched keywords for new video games before I create this lens and the keyword Skyrim Wallpapapers has quite a lot of traffic and little competition so I decided to beat this competition and try to make it to the first page of Google. I optimized the lens with proper keywords and then I added previews of wallpapers and link to the full resolution Skyrim wallpapers. I also added some Amazon modules to increase the number of clickouts and maybe get some sales from this lens :)

The success is great! I'm getting a lot of traffic and I'm climbing up the lensrank ladder everyday so I really hope that this lens makes it to the Tier 1.

So go and check out this cool new lens of mine titled Skyrim Wallpapers and get some really awesome wallpapers for free!


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