If you want to find the basic info and introduction to the show I suggest you to check out my first lens about ancient astronauts and Ancient Aliens TV show titled Ancient Aliens TV Show. In this lens you can find out more about the documentary series, check out some amazing intro presentations and plot of the show. When you know what the show is all about I suggest you to check out three lenses below.
- Ancient Aliens Season 1 - Full Length episodes with description. Watch the entire season 1 on Squidoo for free!
- Ancient Aliens Season 2 - Watch full length episodes of the second season for free and dig deeper in the forgotten truth and knowledge about ancient astronauts and their connections with our civilization.
- Ancient Aliens Season 3 - The last season for now. Find all full length episodes of the third season and watch them for free online.
I hope you'll like the show, facts presented and theories exposed. Not all theories are based on facts, some are just speculations and sometimes they're really over reacting by connecting ancient aliens with stuff from our history. But majority of theories and connections are really easy to believe because they're all based with solid proofs, facts and real events from the history.
I hope you'll enjoy watching the show and exploring the amazing theories of ancient aliens and ancient astronauts.
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