
Ancient Aliens on Squidoo

I am a big fan of ancient aliens theories and Ancient Aliens TV show made by History Channel. The theory suggest that extraterrestrial beings are in contact with our planet for thousands of years already and that some major events in human history are related to these ancient astronauts. The show is really really interesting, full with amazing proofs and scientific facts and the theories are really impressive. So I made 4 lenses to support this show, share the knowledge and help to spread the word about ancient astronauts and theories that connect ancient aliens with our planet Earth and out history.

If you want to find the basic info and introduction to the show I suggest you to check out my first lens about ancient astronauts and Ancient Aliens TV show titled Ancient Aliens TV Show. In this lens you can find out more about the documentary series, check out some amazing intro presentations and plot of the show. When you know what the show is all about I suggest you to check out three lenses below.
  1. Ancient Aliens Season 1 - Full Length episodes with description. Watch the entire season 1 on Squidoo for free!
  2. Ancient Aliens Season 2 - Watch full length episodes of the second season for free and dig deeper in the forgotten truth and knowledge about ancient astronauts and their connections with our civilization.
  3. Ancient Aliens Season 3 - The last season for now. Find all full length episodes of the third season and watch them for free online.
I hope you'll like the show, facts presented and theories exposed. Not all theories are based on facts, some are just speculations and sometimes they're really over reacting by connecting ancient aliens with stuff from our history. But majority of theories and connections are really easy to believe because they're all based with solid proofs, facts and real events from the history.

I hope you'll enjoy watching the show and exploring the amazing theories of ancient aliens and ancient astronauts.


Best Rap Songs about Love

Do you like rap music? Do you also like love songs and songs about romance? Then you will surely like my new lens about Best Rap Love Songs where you can find my list of my favorite rap songs about love and romance. The list is purely my selection but I listen to god music so be sure to check it out to discover some great rap songs about love :)

There are 10 songs on the lens, each has a video where you can listen to the song and a link to iTunes where you can buy the song if you want.

And here is one of the songs from the lens. Visit Top Rap Songs about Love for more songs :)


Best Nikon DSLR Cameras Under $500

Are you interested in buying a digital SLR camera and you don't want to buy some expensive camera that has too much functions and it's too advanced? No worries, there are some really great DSLR cameras available that cost less than $500 and they are good photo gear for their price. Great for beginners and for those who are not yet really familiar with DSLR cameras and digital photography.

I am building my portfolio of photography related lenses on Squidoo and I just made a new lens titled Best Nikon DSLR Cameras Under $500 where I listed great Nikon digital SLR cameras that cost less than 500 dollars and can be bought on Amazon or eBay. Check out the lens to find these cool cameras and find out if there's one that fits your needs as a photographer.


SQUIDUtils Tools and Utilities for Squidoo Lensmasters

SquidUtils is an awesome website with lots of awesome tools and utilities that are really useful and helpful for every Squidoo lensmasters. The site is made by a very awesome lensmaster thefluffanutta and it's used by a lot of Squidoo users who want to develop their lenses and use this tools to make a lot of necessary Squidoo operations simpler and better designed.

I will make a 10 posts long description of this site and tools that you can access for free on SquidUtils. These are tools I recommend to any Squidoo user and I will describe them more detailed on this blog in future posts so you could see what can SquidUtils bring you and how helpful and useful these applications really are.

I will make 10 posts about SquidUtils and a list of these posts is below. I will link the articles and this list when I'll publish each article.

  1. Amazon Associates
  2. ClickBank Tools
  3. Backlinks Checker
  4. Lens Health Check
  5. RSS Feeds for Squidoo Lensmasters
  6. Squidoo Workshop Addon for Firefox and Chrome
  7. Advanced Squidoo DashBoard
  8. SquidUtils Tag Tool
  9. SquidUtils Amazon Posters
  10. How to Check your Competition with SquidUtils
Stay tuned for these articles, I promise I will try to write short articles worth reading and articles that will be helpful and easy to understand. I will add guides and images so I hope you'll check out these articles to improve your Squidoo lenses with my SquidUtils reports and guides.


Happy Halloween Lenses

Below is a list of my Squidoo lenses that are published on Happy Halloween magazine on Squidoo. Some cool lenses that you might like, they are all related to Halloween, costume ideas and some other spooky stuff.

Here is a list of my Halloween lenses:

  1. Scary Halloween Masks
  2. Thor Helmets for Halloween
  3. Funny Halloween T-Shirts
  4. V for Vendetta Halloween Costumes
  5. Angry Birds Costumes
  6. Donnie Darko Costume
  7. Sexy Cop Costumes for Adult

Check out these lenses and leave a comment if you want. And be sure to leave your Happy Halloween lenses in comments on this post. Just leave a link to your lens below.


Angry Birds Wallpapers

Angry Birds are really popular these days and I have a few lenses on Squidoo related to Angry Birds that rank pretty well. There are Angry Birds toys, Angry Birds games, costumes and other stuff you might like if you're a fan of this popular game.

I suggest you to check out some products related to Angry Birds and maybe make a lens about some cool Angry Birds stuff. Toys sell well and lots of people are searching for Angry Birds stuff online. Give it a shot!

I made a lens with Angry Birds Wallpapers where you can find some really cool and well designed wallpapers, fan art and graphics that feature Angry Birds characters and scenes. It's a great way to design your computer desktop, iPhone, iPad or Android if you're a fan of Angry Birds. Check these graphics and wallpapers and download them for free.

You can also check out my other Angry Birds lenses such as Angry Birds plush toys or Angry Birds Blogger templates.


October 2011 Squidoo Earnings

Here is my Squidoo payment for October 2011 (earned  in August 2011). I can proudly say that this is my biggest payment on Squidoo ever. Almost $400! Awesome :)

My October 2011 earnings are as follows from 103 featured lenses:

Grand Total ~ $381

Follow tips and articles on this blog to learn how you can make money on Squidoo yourself. You can see that I know what I'm talking about :)

This was the biggest payment for Tier 1 lenses since I am a Squidoo member. Lenses ranked from 1 to 2000 received $47,68 and this is really large amount of money for one single lens :)


It's Still Time to Make Halloween Lenses!

And you should definitely make one or two. Or a bunch of Halloween lenses. Halloween is one of the best holidays and one of the best niche for selling stuff on Squidoo and elsewhere online. This is the time of year when you don't need to worry about your lensrank because you will definitely make some sales even if you're not in Tier 1 or Tier 2. Believe me! In this post I want to share some quick tips for making good Halloween lenses on Squidoo and increase your earnings in this spook time of a year.

How to Make a Halloween Lens
If you want to sell something on your lenses you need to explore the market and see what people are buying online for Halloween. Costumes and costume accessories is a wonderful niche and it will surely make you some sales and bring some traffic to your lenses. But my advice is to dig deeper and choose a more specific niche such as Lady Gaga Halloween Costumes, Thor Helmets for Halloween or maybe a lens called How to make Frank Sinatra costume yourself. These are titles that will get your lens found quicker and you will compete with these keywords. But forget about titles such as Halloween Costumes or Buy Costumes Online.

Happy Halloween Magazine

Few posts ago I made a report about the new Squidoo magazine called Happy Halloween. This is an official Squidoo collection of the best Halloween lenses and posts. You can ad your lenses to this magazine by setting topic for your lens to Holidays and Celebrations -> Halloween. Your lenses will be automatically included in this magazine when you do so.

Some lensmasters however don't want to include their lenses in this new magazine because a lot of them report that they are loosing traffic and earnings because the magazine is two weeks old and it does not rank so well yet. So it's your decision. I suggest you to opt some lenses in and leave others out to see how they are doing.

Include Zazzle Modules

If you have a Zazzle store then you should most definitely make some cool and spooky designs and promote them like crazy right now. Folks buy tons of stuff on Zazzle for Halloween and if you work a little bit on your designs you can make quite a lot of sales. But be sure to also include some Zazzle products such as invitation cards and merch on your Squidoo lenses. This will make your lens looks better plus you will maybe make some sales via Zazzle modules. It's worth trying.

Act Now!

This is the most important part if you want to make some profit! Act now and create some lenses! Right now, start right now! Not in a week or after few days! Act now! The Halloween is coming, there are already plenty of nice lenses and dozens of them are being made every day so be sure to catch this train and increase your Squidoo earnings.


Status Icons are New Squidoo Dashboard Feature

Another new cool feature has been added to Squidoo and it really helps you to see what is going on with your lenses and shows you what is need to be done. Status icons on your dashboard show you statuses of your lenses  - green lenses, WIP lenses, locked lenses and lenses with warnings. Check out the screenshot below.

How are these icons going to help you? They help you to do your TO DO list for Squidoo and see what is need to be done. You want most (the best is all) of your lenses marked green in order to have the best Squidoo experience and make money from every lens. Green lenses are features lenses and these are the lenses that make you money on Squidoo.

WIP Lenses

WIP lenses are Work in Progress Lenses. These are Squidoo lenses that are still under construction or lenses that need to be approved by Squidoo team if they get caught in Squidoo spam filter.These lenses are marked with red on your Squidoo dashboard. More lenses you have marked with red the more lenses need to be turned into green!

Locked Lenses

Squidoo lock lenses if they are considered spam, over promotional or maybe just copied content from somewhere else. Once a lens is locked you can still save your lens from being deleted and this new icon will kindly reminds you how many lenses need an urgent modification and edit!

Read the official Squdioo announcement about this new feature and express your opinion about these icons in the comment section below! Do you think this will help you?


New Design and New Goal

This blog has a brand new design and I must say that I am really satisfied with this new look. The template is inspired by Daily Blog Tips, a very cool blog about blogging and making money online. If you don't know about Daily Blog Tips I really recommend you that you check it out! :)

This new design gives this blog a fresh look, it's easier to read and the advertisements really work well on templates with white background and sidebars on both sides of the blog. Revenue is one of the biggest reason for changing the design. This blog receives high traffic every day and income is rising day by day. So I guess this will increase the revenue of this blog a little bit more :)

I am still working on some minor changes in the layout and I will ad some very cool features and plugins in the short feature that all Squidoo lensmasters and marketers would most certainly love to use. Stay tuned for new updates and tools for Squidoo.

The main reason for this change is my goal to put this blog to a whole new level. I know that frequency of the posts on this blog doesn't quite go along with the title and my main goal is to change this. I am quite good at Squidoo now and I can say that I'm making good money there. So I have plenty of tips and advices to share with you. Therefore I decided to actually post a tip or article every day so this blog will actually be DAILY Squidoo tips. I hope this will increase both traffic and revenue even more.

I hope you like the new look. Stay tuned for some cool Squidoo tips in the future. Every day, I promise :)