And you should definitely make one or two. Or a bunch of Halloween lenses. Halloween is one of the best holidays and one of the best niche for selling stuff on Squidoo and elsewhere online. This is the time of year when you don't need to worry about your lensrank because you will definitely make some sales even if you're not in Tier 1 or Tier 2. Believe me! In this post I want to share some quick tips for making good Halloween lenses on Squidoo and increase your earnings in this spook time of a year.
How to Make a Halloween Lens
If you want to sell something on your lenses you need to explore the market and see what people are buying online for Halloween. Costumes and costume accessories is a wonderful niche and it will surely make you some sales and bring some traffic to your lenses. But my advice is to dig deeper and choose a more specific niche such as
Lady Gaga Halloween Costumes,
Thor Helmets for Halloween or maybe a lens called
How to make Frank Sinatra costume yourself. These are titles that will get your lens found quicker and you will compete with these keywords. But forget about titles such as
Halloween Costumes or
Buy Costumes Online.
Happy Halloween Magazine
Few posts ago I made
a report about the new Squidoo magazine called
Happy Halloween. This is an official Squidoo collection of the best Halloween lenses and posts. You can ad your lenses to this magazine by setting topic for your lens to Holidays and Celebrations -> Halloween. Your lenses will be automatically included in this magazine when you do so.
Some lensmasters however don't want to include their lenses in this new magazine because a lot of them report that they are loosing traffic and earnings because the magazine is two weeks old and it does not rank so well yet. So it's your decision. I suggest you to opt some lenses in and leave others out to see how they are doing.
Include Zazzle Modules
If you have a Zazzle store then you should most definitely make some cool and spooky designs and promote them like crazy right now. Folks buy tons of stuff on Zazzle for Halloween and if you work a little bit on your designs you can make quite a lot of sales. But be sure to also include some Zazzle products such as invitation cards and merch on your Squidoo lenses. This will make your lens looks better plus you will maybe make some sales via Zazzle modules. It's worth trying.
Act Now!
This is the most important part if you want to make some profit! Act now and create some lenses! Right now, start right now! Not in a week or after few days! Act now! The Halloween is coming, there are already plenty of nice lenses and dozens of them are being made every day so be sure to catch this train and increase your Squidoo earnings.