
Google +1 button is now live on all featured lenses

Great news for wall Squidoo lensmasters who are not in the Giant Squid club yet! Squidoo recently added almighty Google +1 button to all featured lenses so this cool little button is now live on your lenses marked green! That's surely a great news and a great new feature!

Read the official announcement here.

So, what so you have to say about this new update? Do you think this new feature will bring more traffic to your lenses? Will you +1 your favorite lenses? I really want to see what you have to say about this cool new update...


Join Wizzley, Get Backlinks, Make money online!

So, Wizzley is a cool new publishing platform that's very similar to Squidoo and HubPages and it shares its advertising revenue with its members. I'm really sceptical about the flood of sites sharing their revenue because most of them are either scams or can make you a cent so I keep the distance from new revenue sharing sites and test them for some time to see if they're worth investing time and effort.

Wizzley seems OK, I'm there for 3 days, I wrote 2 articles and I'm already making some money. The platform is nicely desing, there are a lot of available widgets for you to use on your pages and they have any affiliate programs that can make you money. Wizzley offers you to make money with Google AdSense, Amazon Associates, AllPosters, Zazzle, eBay and Wizzley referral program. You add your own IDs and Wizzley shares 50% of impressions with you!

Wizzley is a great way to get some quality backlinks for your Squidoo lenses and make some extra money by creating quality backlinks and promoting your Squidoo lenses! Wizzley is PR 3 and it will most certanly grow in the future because the community is growing and it consists of a very cool folks who are writing really awesome content. So I guess it's worth staying and publishing. And we'll see about the money, so far so good :)

I suggest you to JOIN WIZZLEY to create some quality backlinks for your Squidoo lenses and to make some money with their wide selection of affiliate programs. I think that AllPosters widget is really tempting for many Squidoo members because you can really make some sales with AllPosters affiliate program and it's good for some free images for your pages. So check out Wizzley and see if it's OK for you.



Cool Anime GIFs with embed codes

I really like GIFs and my GIF lenses are bringing quite a lot of traffic and rank well. So I decides to make some more lenses with cool GIF animations and GIF related lenses. A lot of folks check out this stuff to put some cool gifs on forums and blogs, as they signatures and embed them on their websites and blog posts. And this is good for me and it's good for them :) They get a cool GIF and I get a free backlink! How? In the embed code for every GIF animation there is a link that points to the original lens on Squidoo so when somebody embed these gifs on their sites, blogs or forums they automatically link back to my Squidoo lens. And this is really good for backlinks and traffic. :) Offer some stuff with embed codes and you'll see for yourself!

So my newest lens is about Cool and Sexy Anime GIFs where you can find a lot of awesome and hot anime GIF animations and embed codes for each animations so you can add them to forums, blogs, etc.

anime gif

August 2011 Squidoo Earnings

Here is my Squidoo payment for August 2011 (earned  in June 2011).

My August 2011 earnings are as follows from 90 featured lenses:

Grand Total ~ $156,17

I am really satisfied with this payment and I can't wait to receive my next payments :) You can compare this payment with the payment from May and you'll see the difference :)


5 Tier 1 Lenses! WOW!

Today is anoter day for celebrating :) I will surely drink a beer or two to celebrate the latest lensrank update on Squidoo :) I now have 5 lenses in Tier 1! 2 new tier 1 lenses in one lensrank update. Ben 10 Coloring  Pages and Me Gutsa Meme climbed up to tier 1 :) Awesome :)

So what have I done to reach this?

I think that two things count the most to get the best rank on Squidoo. Traffic and clickouts. I've done a little analysis of my top 5 lenses on Squidoo and this are the two things that they have in common. Traffic and clickouts. My top lens that is ranked #130 doesn't have a single sale in almost a year. It doesn't have much backlinks! But it receives 10.000 views per week and few thousands clickouts per month. And it's my best lens.
I compared this lens to my other 4 tier 1 lens and they all have quite a lot of traffic and a lot of clickouts. Not as much sales, backlinks and likes. So I guess this is it.n Clickouts and traffic.

Increase Clickouts and Traffic to Improve your Rankings

I will surely work hard to improve next 5 lenses that rank best in tier 2 to get them into Tier 1. And you should work on your lenses too to get better rankings and get more money from AdPool. And you can see that sales and likes don't count that much in terms of overall rankings so be sure to concentrate on traffic and clickouts. Be sure to add Link List Module, Link Voting module, Amazon Modules and include related and interesting links in your text modules, pools and intro. This will surely increase the number of your clickouts and improve your rankings. Try it and observe!


Me Gusta Meme

Do you like internet memes and other cool funny stuff that become popular on the web? If you do than you're probably already familiar with Me Gusta Guy, a very popular internet meme from the big family of cool characters that also feature Troll Guy, Forever Alone, Challenge Accepted and Poker Face.

I made a Squidoo lens especially for Me Gusta Guy Meme where you can find out all the info you need about this popular internet meme, check out some funny Me Gusta Comics, visit my Zazzle store that features a lot of Me Gusta Meme products and find some related links to browse through big galleries of Me Gusta Memes.

I hope you'll find the lens interesting and funny :) And if you do you can leave a comment to share your thoughts on Me Gusta Guy.
