
My New Squidoo Lenses

It's time to update you with my new Squidoo lenses. Published in the last week or so. I'm working hard creating new lenses and I am working on a lot of lenses related to digital photography and DSLR cameras.

My new lenses on Squidoo

Any comment is much welcomed. Here or on the lens.


Best AdSense Ad Ever!

I was working on one of my lenses today and I stumbled on a very cool ad from Google AdSense. Quite awesome, it screams for clicks and it seems like it is designed for Squidoo.

Click the screenshot above to view the image in full size. Now see the "Don't click" AdSense ad just below My Toolbox etc. See how colours match and it's quite the same button as default Squidoo "Create a lens!" button. And there is a psychology effect that most certainly generates a lot of clicks. Forbid people from doing something and they will want to do this even more! Quite interesting.


A Few Fun Facts About Squidoo

Below are some cool and fun facts about Squidoo.

  1. Squidoo has been reviewed by the New York Times, Mashable, BoingBoing and sites and papers around the world.
  2. Squidoo was founded in 2005 and was live to the world in 2006. The founding team consisted of just four people. In 2011 they are only at 6 full time people.
  3. Squidoo is on the list of the most 100 most popular websites in the US, ranked by Quantcast traffic.
  4. Squidoo generates hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual royalties to charities and to our users.
  5. There's a Squidoo cookbook! In early 2009 Seth and Megan wrote The Joy of Squidoo: A Recipe Book for Great Lenses.
  6. Many lensmasters earn more than $10,000 a year from Squidoo. Some make $100. Others are happy with $40 or $4. Lots give it to charity.
  7. As of October 2010: More than one million people visit Squidoo (that means your lenses) every day. The more traffic one lens brings in, the greater the chances that visitor will see your lens as well. That means it's good for you when your competition on Squidoo succeeds.
  8. Squidoo is free to use.
  9. Many of Squidoo lensmasters earmark their earnings for charity, and the Squidteam also makes donations to worthy causes throughout the year. So far, Squidoo has generated more than $500,000.00 to charities around the world, including Acumen Fund, charity: water, Room to Read, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and literally hundreds of others.


3 Ways to Sell your Photos Online

I made a brand new lens about photography, selling photos online and making money online with your photos. In this lens I describe 3 best ways to make money online with photography and sell photos online on microstock sites, Zazzle or your own website and blogs. In this lens you will find lots of information and resources thath will help you to start making money online with your photos. The lens is equipped with links, resources, videos and text guides to introduce you to stock photography and other ways to sell photos online and make money with your photography on the Internet.

3 Ways to Sell your Photos Online


New Milestone Reached - 10.000 Weekly Visits

New success on Squidoo! I finally reached more than 10.000 overall visits of my lenses. The best lens generated more than 6000 views and others add to the 10k milestone. Below is the screenshot for proof. Click on the image to view it in full size.


Celebrating my 3rd Tier 1 Lens!

My Squidoo 60 Day Challenge has ended and I will post all the stats and updated tomorrow on this blog. But first, let me just say that I now have 3 tier one lenses on Squidoo! This is a very great news for me :) Two months ago my best ranked lens was a little above 5000. So having three tier 1 lenses now is a great success.

My third tier 1 lens is Top Rated Digital SLR Cameras 2011.

Again, backlinks on related sites worked really well. Backlinks increased traffic and ranking and my overall rank for this lens jumped overnight.


Funny Animated GIFs

It's time to present another lens of mine. The lens titled Funny Animated GIFs is a page where you can find lots of funny GIF animations and other animated pictures that you can add to your blogs, sites and forums by using the provided embed codes.

Check out the lens Funny Animated GIFs and find you favorite gif. Then copy the code below the animation and paste it anywhere you want. You can also browse the big resource of links where you can find thousands more of these funny and cool animated GIFs. You will most surely find one or two that you'll like :)

Some cool funny animations from the lens

funny mouth gif

leonidas lazah gif

funny owls gif